dimanche 31 décembre 2017

My brother is hosting a New Years party for the neighborhood dogs. I have no clue how he got them all to sit.

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Gone too soon


This trio...

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

"The humans back!"

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

They think I don't know that they're trying to open a Portal.


Not sure what this kitty is doing but he sure looks cute doing it 😊

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Please no take the baby

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com



My friend and I went to the pound today to look for a cat and we came across this beauty.. she’s getting her ❤️


Say hello to Carlos. He's a rescue and now my best friend.


At least one pet knows how to fetch

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

My mother’s cat Corliss (RIP) went through a period toward the end in which she’d organize balls of yarn, carry them around the house, and guard them like they were the kittens she never had.


"Hey, hey...come here...come here...boop!"

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Stuck on best rest. Dr. Hugo is on call.


Best Friend

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Heated floors in our bathroom, kitten knows it's warmer underneath and wraps up like a blanket.


I lost my precious baby to FIV today. Her name was Bleki and she loved fish a lot. She was very spoiled and kept scratching our furniture, but we loved her anyways. She was like my own child to me. I already miss her so much. I'm just glad she doesn't have to suffer anymore.


Cashew likes to chill


Petting a Macaroni penguin at the Detroit Zoo during a penguin mingle

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

I bought this fancy pillow for people who sleep on their sides....


My Persian Cat that was rescued from Kuwait. She really likes to go outside and see the snow.


Our contemplative and judgy floof


Hello yes I see you

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

I don’t think this needs an in depth explanation. Enjoy my love bug ❤️


Tiny dude

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Poodle gets very excited when owner turns up to collect him from doggy daycare 🐶😂.

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

My girls cat "Sally" AKA "Happy-pill" licking her cold nose

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

I'm ready for my tummy tickles and kisses!

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

He knows I’m sick so he won’t leave me alone, even when I’m taking a bath

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Due to extremely cold weather conditions we had to buy boots for the dogs to go outside. Sheeba does a hippity-hop

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Junior enjoying a winter sunray


This is the look I get when I don't get up to feed her right away.


Watching the neighbor's dog like...

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

samedi 30 décembre 2017

Donut made a house and he is very proud of it


Don't forget to sync your puppers.

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Long Live The King

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

A 24 year old cat. We call her the Immortal.

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Senior dog meets a puppy and starts to feel like a puppy himself.

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

My 1 month old kittens club photo.


My cat is sleeping in my daughters Barbie dream house and he is even in the bed!


Charlie is starting to like his little sister Marie


I can’t have coffee in peace


We put my little black cat to sleep yesterday. Her name was Pumpkin and she had a stump for a tail. She loved Doritos and ham. She had a raspy meow and purred nonstop every time I picked her up until the very end. She was only 12. I feel stupid about how completely broken my heart is.


Our little girl


She held a rubber duckie in her mouth to keep herself calm as I gave her a shower

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

The best place to sleep is in another cat's butt...


Everyone meet Nugget


Racoon eating his grapes

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

I threw some seeds in an empty pot and 12 years later look what grew


We lost Arthas a few weeks ago. 5 years is too young to die. Not looking forward to a new year without him.
