dimanche 30 juin 2019

My mom adopted Sif when she failed out of the assistance dog training. So she doesn't help out too much, but she sure is comfortable around wheelchairs!

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Clyde swims to help with a disc issue that causes tremors-He also receives Laser Treatments


Chilling the huskies

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Today was the day that my niece of 3 participated for the first time in a dance performance. Im a very proud uncle!

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

My grandma didn’t want me to get a tortoise. I come home and my tortise is wearing a watermelon sweater.

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

A blep a day keeps the vet away


He's mine!

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

I don’t normally hide in boxes, but when I do...


Pic Day.


Too adorable.. little corgi with his own place!

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Best friends forever!

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

He’s a purrfect 10

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Dont forget the doggos!

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Adopted her two days ago...I think she’s feeling at home.


Not impressed.

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

This cat who fell asleep in the pottery store I visited today

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Wedding pictures for animals should look like that

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

So I saw this little nugget get thrown from a car. His name is Hercules and he lives with me now.


A brother helping his sister

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com


source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

My wife and I got to spend our one year anniversary adopting this adorable kitten. Reddit, say hi to Moose!

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

A little wildflower

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

My boyfriend surprised me with a kitten that is identical to my cat, I will be able to die happily now.

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

She likes to sleep in that way.


samedi 29 juin 2019

Too hot to play outside, nothing to do, so bored

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Nova likes to sit and watch mom put her makeup on before work.

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Ducks make great pets!!

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Introducing Milky Way

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Hard working son buys his dad a new car, his reaction is priceless

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Fetch with a blind dog

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Complete cuteness overload.

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Never too big for a hug...

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Our newly adopted pal, Alfie. He is 5 years old, loves short walks in the hallway and knew where to find his litter box on day one in our home.


I love when she does this with her paws😍


If black cats are bad luck I guess I'll choose to be cursed.


tell me it is not a baby dragon '-'

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Pupper getting a serious case of the dream wiggles

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

This is Moe. Please enjoy his cuteness

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Protect this photo

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

She was the prettiest girl ever 😍 I miss her so much


Meet Mila, our 10 week old babe


Woke up to this today.


Garden Spot with Spots


When you partied too hard last night, now you gotta clean up the litter the next morning

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

When confetti balloon breaks, kitty thinks it's the best ever.

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

My dogs first reaction to the carpeted rooms in our brand new house. I think she’s excited...

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

The face he makes when he knows he’s in trouble... every time

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

Sandpipers piping in the surf

source: tech-news-4u.blogspot.com

vendredi 28 juin 2019

I'm sad today, don't ask why !


Watch this with the sound ON 🔊
